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Starting the New Year with a look back at Laura Kennington’s FAB 2018!

18th Jan 2019

Yes, 3700 miles, 8 countries & 70 days packed full of sweat, scenery, suffering & smiles!  This is summary of her 2018 adventure, during the #GreatNorthRide cycling from Scotland to Norway.

Laura is a British adventure athlete with a passion for the endurance capability of the human body.

A strong believer in the positive impact that adventure and sport can have on people of all ages, Laura uses her human-powered journeys as a platform to inspire and encourage others. A proud ambassador for Sports England’s ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, she works hard to encourage female participation in athletics. In between adventures, she regularly leads community fitness and personal development events.

To book contact bookings@greatbritishtalent.com

And below is a summary of her amazing 2018 activities…

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